Happy 55th Birthday Dana Jean. Helen Reddy wishes you a happy birthday as well and has these words for you “YOU are strong, YOU are invincible, YOU are woman.” 

We are so grateful that you are in our lives. You bring us joy with your smile, with your detailed planning and your thoughtfulness for each and every one in your circle. Thank you for always recognizing the positives in our world and for being willing and focused to work on issues both big and small that need attention in our universe.

I will never forget when you called me during the summer after 8th grade. My mom answered and said “Dana is on the phone for you.” I took the call in our garage (remember the long coiled cords our phones once had allowing us to travel 15 feet away from the base) You called to let me know you were acknowledging that Cindy Dwyer was going to a different high school and you asked if I wanted to hang out with you, Astrid and Sharolyn? That my friend, marked the beginning of a beautiful, adventurous, humorous and meaningful friendship. Decades later we are still together and stronger than ever. Your friendship is a gift I will treasure for eternity. Thank you, Dana, for always knowing my heart and giving me the acceptance and freedom to be me. I love you.

Nadine (aka Dinger)

PS. Thank goodness we were home to answer your call in 1981 as I don’t think we had a fancy answering machine yet. However, knowing you and your fierce perseverance, I am sure you would have called back!
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