Dear Dana,
You have been an important part of my life for so many years. We have so many memories -From bare back riding, hanging out in your in our houses, swimming during the summer, dressing up in Halloween costumes, going to giants baseball games, playing softball and basketball ,. You have always been by my side through good and bad times, supported me through my divorce and my brother’ s death , haloed me when I was injured from my crazy falls/accidents, celebrated with me in happy times, listened to me during tough times and helped with solutions . And when Matt entered my life you welcomed him into the gang and married us
Thank you Dana for always being there and being so loving, caring and giving. Thank you for all the wonderful memories in the past, present and I look forward to future memories as our hairs turn gray. You are the “Bestest” .
Love, Astrid
Dear Dana,
When I think about you I am inspired by your courage. To lose a person in your life and function/blossom is a task I could not imagine.
Love, Matt